The Corruption Faction Transfer
May the Corrupted Faction rise once again...
MainDab Resolution 09/2023-01 This resolution was enacted on 30 October 2023.
Group transfer announcement
The Corruption Faction" has been transferred from MainDab Ministry of Defence control to georgerobi's control.
The MMoD is not necessarily responsible for whatever will happen next with the group or with the Discord, although in the event of an emergency in "The Corruption Faction", we will be happy to assist them (again, this is due to MainDab regulations and how group transfers are handled).
Generally, MainDab will keep funding groups that have "separated" from MainDab.
The same went for Canada Group, which had been given 600 Robux (including taxes).
The Corruption Faction (Black Magic 2) will recieve up to 1000 Robux initially, on a regular (but irregular) schedule. After that, funding will be given on a monthly basis.
Links (in line with MainDab reporting regulations)
Roblox Group: Discord: owned by georgerobi -- beware that this could possibly be a private/limited invites server. We cannot protect you.
Last updated
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