A simple arcade style FPS game
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A simple arcade style FPS game
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Is the information still correct? This page was last updated on May 2023.
🎮 Game name
💻 Genre
Arcade-style FPS
🚪 Visits
4.7 billion (as of May 2023)
💵 VIP server cost
100 Robux
🔗 Game URL
🚸 Age target
Between 6 to 13 years old
✏️ Abbreviation
No abbreviation used
🔨 Difficulty
Easy to medium, depending on experience.
📱 Device support
Requires a keyboard to play. Arsenal is fully supported on phones, albeit difficult to play on.
📡 Latency
Fully playable up until ~300ms. Lag is negligible in Arsenal.
🌐 Language
Everything Roblox supports
👍 MD Game Rating
MainDab members have a generally positive rating of Arsenal (60% approval).
Arsenal is an arcade-style randomiser FPS game that is meant to be easy and simple to play. The skill ceiling for Arsenal is not particularly high, although there are some very good Arsenal players that would usually win every match in a server.
Here are the general controls that you will be needing to know.
Please refer to the controls above. Arsenal is quite a simple game to play, so no explanation on how to play Arsenal is needed.
Tips are not 100% accurate These were just written from the perspective of the website admin. If you have any additional tips, then we would love to hear it.
Expect to be shot from the back.
Most of Arsenal's maps are small enough that bullet drop essentially does not exist. Arsenal has a wide gun spread to compensate for this, however.
There is no one way to aim your gun, but in general, do not aim too low. Like most FPS games, you should be aiming for a headshot.
Arsenal is a game about movement, but you should not be rushing 100% of the time. Staying in one corner for some time may sometimes be beneficial.
Hopping around may be a useful tactic. However, in MainDab Arsenal VIP servers, hopping around was found to be a useless tactic against milsim players.
Some Arsenal maps can include tight spaces. If you are really feeling that claustrophobic, consider shooting your gun before and during entering a new space.
Use WASD and spacebar to move around. Left ctrl or C to crouch.
There is no sprinting. Switch to your melee to increase your speed.
Left click to shoot, and R to reload.
Body movements
F to "inspect" your weapon and G to use your taunt.
Chat keybinds
Use the slash (/) key to talk, and the semicolon (;) key for team chat.
Weapon switching
Use your scroll wheel or press Q to switch betwee weapons.
UI keybinds
Press (.) to change your team, and press tab to open the player list.
Press the backspace key to reset your character.