Old MainDab Server FAQ
MainDab Server Questions
A list of possible questions and answers on anything regarding MainDab's Discord server.
Are these the server rules?
Is MainDab affiliated with the Roblox exploiting community?
MainDab is mostly separate from the wider exploiting community, but it is technically still a part of it. We are not affiliated with either V3rmillion or the WeAreDevs Forum.
Is MainDab linked to [insert name] Roblox community?
MainDab is not linked to any Roblox communities. We are also well aware that some Roblox communities may have “some” influence in MainDab. MainDab will make every effort to prevent those communities from forcibly changing or dictating MainDab's policies.
Does MainDab support furries?
MainDab does not support the furry fandom. However, we also do not have any rules against furries.
Does MainDab officially maintain a political stance?
We do not maintain any political stances, although we have banned communism in the past. We do not support the current conflict between Russia or Ukraine, nor do we have bans on any political ideologies. However, this does not mean that people who are politically "extreme" are safe from the rules. Obnoxious political behaviours may not be allowed under the MainDab rules.
We have been accused of having both a "liberal" and a "conservative" agenda due to our rather lax server rules.
Does MainDab officially maintain a religious stance?
We do not have any restrictions against any religions in MainDab. However, this does not mean that people who are religiously "extreme" are safe from the rules. Obnoxious religious behaviours may not be allowed under the MainDab rules.
Does MainDab support the LGBTQ community?
We are neutral towards the LGBTQ community. We don't have any rules that bans homophobic behaviours, nor do we have any rules that are directed towards curbing homosexuals.
Why does MainDab allow the usage of the "n-word" freely?
The logic is simple: banning the “n-word” is essentially going against MainDab’s Free Speech policy. Besides, if we ban the n-word, we will also be obliged to ban any sort of more “liberal” talk in MainDab. The rules must remain equal for either side of the political spectrum.
How will MainDab deal with bigotry, discrimination, prejudice and racism?
MainDab Staff will not punish bigotry, discrimination towards others, prejudice against certain people and racism towards. Punishments are handed out in accordance with the rules.
While many may argue that there must be some sort of moderation required for racism, bigotry and homophobia (including jokes related to them), banning such behaviours will mean that we would be seen as having liberal biases. Please understand that our rules are designed to be as neutral as possible.
Does MainDab support X racial community?
No. We do not support any specific racial communities/minorities. This is to maintain our strong policy of remaining neutral.
MainDab should ban discrimination.
Unfortunately, banning discrimination would contradict our free speech policy. If you do not agree with MainDab’s Freedom of Speech policy, then simply leave instead of arguing with the staff members. Perhaps some other communist servers would be more friendly towards you.
MainDab should ban anything that is liberal.
If you (as an American conservative) envy free speech so much, then why would you ban liberal ideas? Is it too anti-American for you to take? Unfortunately, by banning liberal ideas, you would be no different than democrats who you view as actively suppressing your conservative ideas. Not very patriotic of you to do.
Why does MainDab not ban “pedojokes”?
Again, banning “pedojokes” would go against MainDab’s Free Speech policy. If you do not agree with MainDab’s Free Speech policy, you are free to leave MainDab.
Why is MainDab so anti-CCP?
Rather, it’s the MainDab owner (Avaluate/Main_EX) that vehemently hates the Chinese Communist Party. MainDab does not condemn the Chinese Communist Party or any of its actions.
Is MainDab a neo-Nazi server?
MainDab tries its best to remain politically neutral. Many server members in MainDab often make jokes about Nazis or even make neo-Nazi statements. We do not condemn such statements because we are politically neutral. The same goes for any extreme left-wing statements.
People belonging to the LGBTQ+ community need to be protected.
While you may think that those belonging to the LGBTQ+ community are vulnerable and deserve special treatment, we are not obliged to provide protection to them. Besides, if we were to give them “special treatment”, then we would also have to give special treatment to those belonging to the alt-right in order to remain neutral.
MainDab’s rules are unfair!
Feel free to message MainDab Staff (or the server owner himself, Avaluate#0001) if you have any concerns regarding MainDab’s rules. We aim to try to keep the rules as neutral and as fair as possible.
Why does MainDab use British English instead of American English?
Because MainDab has always used British English from the beginning. There is also no incentive for MainDab to transition to using American English.
Which side does MainDab support in X conflict/war?
We do not maintain any sort of political stance. MainDab will support neither side in a conflict. While we consider the Russian invasion of Ukraine to be an illegal move, we will also acknowledge Russia's security concerns regarding Ukraine and NATO, which also includes Putin's current disillusionment with the world (this is a fact, not an opinion) and the justifications for Putin's Special Military Operation (again, a fact not an opinion). By this logic, we will also consider conflicts such as the US Invasion of Iraq (2003) to be an illegal move.
Last updated
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