MainDab's UI
Even a 9 year old would understand this section.
Last updated
Even a 9 year old would understand this section.
Last updated
For people who are not new to exploits, feel free to skip this part. Otherwise, it's suggested that you go over this part. This part is especially written for people completely new to Roblox exploits.
Outdated images The images here may be a bit outdated as MainDab updates over time, but it really should work in the same way.
Here is the first window you see when opening MainDab.
On the left side of MainDab, you can see a sidebar.
There are 5 icons on the sidebar, those being the Home tab (home icon), Execution tab (code icon). Script Hub tab (box icon), Tools tab (toolbox icon) and Settings tab (settings icon).
Each of these icons, when clicked, will open these specific tabs.
Behold, the most important tab of all... the Execution Tab. Here is where you will paste in scripts, inject into Roblox, etc.
But wait! Please explain to me what each thing here does!
This is a tab system, which allows you to have multiple textboxes. Think of it of tabs in a web browser.
Obviously, the most mysterious part are the icons on the bottom of the screen. What does each one do? This is an extremely simple question, so I'll just leave it for this short gif to explain.
MainDab has an online Script Hub, where you can find basic scripts to use. It grabs the scripts from an online source, and automatically parses it into MainDab. This also means the Script Hub auto updates as it's needed. It should like this :
In order to execute scripts, you would press "Execute". I think this is pretty obvious.
Here are where a bunch of useful tools are. It's pretty self explanatory what this is.
If you didn't already notice, on the bottom left of MainDab, there is a settings icon.
This will be important later, as you will soon have to set stuff such as what API to use, etc.