Kiwi X's UI

This isn't the offical Kiwi Documentation website! Although it isn't the official one, the documentation here is as detailed as the official one, which is actually branched off this documentation website. The offical documentation can be found here. Please refer to this for the current progress of this website.

Once Kiwi X finishes loading, you will be greeted with this window.

The first part here circled in red is the code editor. This is where you can paste in Lua scripts.

On the bottom of the screen we can see a few buttons. For your convenience, here is a table of buttons and what they do.

ButtonWhat it does


Executes the script in the code editor


Clears the code editor

Open File

Opens and loads text from a file into the code editor

Execute File

Directly executes code from a file (.txt, .lua)

Save File

Saves the content in the code editor into a file

Toggle Scripts

Shows a listbox containing files in the Scripts folder (found in the same folder as Kiwi X.exe)


Opens a settings page where you can change the API you use alongside other additional functions

Game Hub

Opens a window with quite a bit of scripts for you to use (110+ of them!)

You can open more code editor tabs by pressing the + button, and close some by clicking the X button.

Finally, we have the injection icon.

This will inject the currently selected API (selected in Settings) into Roblox. We can now move onto actually exploiting with Kiwi X, now we got the UI cleared out of the way.

Last updated