Error 268 / Unexpected Client Behaviour

Basically a temporary 1 hour HWID from Roblox.

This isn't the offical Kiwi Documentation website! Although it isn't the official one, the documentation here is as detailed as the official one, which is actually branched off this documentation website. The offical documentation can be found here. Please refer to this for the current progress of this website.

Kicked due to Error 268 / Unexpected Client Behaviour

This means that you have been temporarily HWID banned for 1 hour from Roblox.

  • This can be caused by running too many functions on a script. Roblox will detect too many functions being ran.

  • This is also dependent on which API you use. While WeAreDevs API and EasyExploits API are easily detected, KRNL and Oxygen U's API are less detectable.

  • This can also happen if another Roblox exploit you recently ran is running in the background. Roblox will detect such things as well. Make sure to close them in the task manager.

Your Roblox accounts will not be banned, but you may have issues running that account on other devices as well.


There are currently no fixes for this. However, you can prevent this by using either KRNL's or Oxygen U's API as they have better security.

Last updated